一位博主上传了一条关于如何安装破解版 Burp Suite 的教程视频,并极其嚣张地 @ 出了官微——结果官微还搭理他了,回了个意味深长的表情。
Hex-Rays(著名反编译软件 IDA Pro 的厂商)的小编在网上看到一条吐槽 Ghidra 界面抽风的帖,趁机打广告。然而原 po 需要分析 RISCV64 指令集的程序,IDA Pro 的 F5 压根不支持,尴尬得空气都快凝固了。更难绷的是这条帖子之后的回复都在吐槽 IDA 定价过于奢侈。小编这个月的绩效该是负的了
A few days ago Riley Goodside posted about an interesting discovery on how an LLM prompt injection can happen via invisible instructions in pasted text. This works by using a special set of Unicode code points from the Tags Unicode Block.
The proof-of-concept showed how a simple text contained invisible instructions that caused ChatGPT to invoke DALL-E to create an image.
Hidden Instructions for LLMs The meaning of these “Tags” seems to have gone through quite some churn, from language tags to eventually being repurposed for some emojis.