最近在ichunqiu CTF大本营刷题的时候碰到一道高质量的web题,比赛中还算是web里难度比较大的。网上已经有很多公开的writeup,但是为了加深理解记忆,故记录一篇blog。
复现链接: 第十五届全国大学生信息安全竞赛——创新实践能力赛 Ezpentest
The 8Base ransomware group has remained relatively unknown despite the massive spike in activity in Summer of 2023. The group utilizes encryption paired with “name-and-shame” techniques to compel their victims to pay their ransoms. 8Base has an opportunistic pattern of compromise with recent victims spanning across varied industries. Despite the high amount of compromises, the … Continued
The post 8Base Ransomware: A Heavy Hitting Player appeared first on VMware Security Blog.