During this week’s blog series, we sat down with two of our NIST experts from the Visualization and Usability Group at NIST — Shanée Dawkins and Jody Jacobs — who discussed the importance of recognizing and reporting phishing . This blog wraps up our Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2023 blog series…but we of course plan to continue to share, collaborate, learn, and spread the word all year long. 1. This week’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month theme is ‘recognize and report phishing.’ How does your work/specialty area at NIST tie into this behavior? We work in the Information Technology Lab, but our
***UPDATE #1, October 23, 2023***
Cisco has addressed the two vulnerabilities including the below stated CVE-2023-20198 as well as CVE-2023-20273. Below you will find the versions that have been updated and the status of other versions that have not yet been released.
An unknown threat actor has been detected exploiting a previously unknown flaw in the Web User Interface of Cisco IOS XE software. Exploitation of this vulnerability, that was thought to have been patched, can gr