使用Outlook欺骗性云附件进行网络钓鱼 - zha0gongz1
利用Microsoft365 Outlook 云附件的方式发送恶意可执行件,达到伪装效果。 踩坑提示:此场景要用 Microsoft365 客户端! ##介绍 在本文中,我们将探讨如何滥用 O365 上的云附件功能使可执行文件(或任何其他文件类型)显示为无害的附件。 Microsoft365 允许用
When an outage affects a component of the internet infrastructure, there can often be downstream ripple effects affecting other components or services, either directly or indirectly. We would like to share our observations of this impact in the case of two recent such outages, measured at various levels of the DNS hierarchy, and discuss the […]
The post Observations on Resolver Behavior During DNS Outages appeared first on Verisign Blog.