Organizations that leveraged AI and automation in security prevention cut the cost of a data breach by $2.22 million compared to those that didn't deploy these technologies
Many smaller organizations are turning to cyber risk insurance, both to protect against the cost of a cyber incident and to use the extensive post-incident services that insurers provide
Attackers abusing the EvilVideo vulnerability could share malicious Android payloads via Telegram channels, groups, and chats, all while making them appear as legitimate multimedia files
Organizations, including those that weren’t struck by the CrowdStrike incident, should resist the temptation to attribute the IT meltdown to exceptional circumstances
If a software update process fails, it can lead to catastrophic consequences, as seen today with widespread blue screens of death blamed on a bad update by CrowdStrike
These five formidable bits of kit that can assist cyber-defenders in spotting chinks in corporate armors and help hobbyist hackers deepen their understanding of cybersecurity
Your humble phone number is more valuable than you may think. Here’s how it could fall into the wrong hands – and how you can help keep it out of the reach of fraudsters.
Blanket bans on ransomware payments are a much-debated topic in cybersecurity and policy circles. What are the implications of outlawing the payments, and would the ban be effective?
Scammers gonna scam scam scam, so before hunting for your tickets to a Taylor Swift gig or other in-demand events, learn how to stop fraudsters from leaving a blank space in your bank account
Social media sites are designed to make their users come back for more. Do laws restricting children's exposure to addictive social media feeds have teeth or are they a political gimmick?